Monday, November 22, 2010

Characters That Help Build Character

Crispin - The Cross of Lead
by AVI

Is it possible for a reader to become a better person by being impressed by the character of the characters in a book? That sounds funny, but it's what I was wondering when I finished reading a couple of recent books. One of them was Crispin by AVI.

Crispin is the son of a poor pheasant woman in England during the 1300s. After his mother dies and he is accused of crimes against the king, Crispin finds himself labeled a, "wolf's head" and can be killed on sight. As Cripin flees the village he soon lands himself into the companionship of a traveling jester named, Bear. Bear and Crispin develop a relationship through their travels. As Bear pieces together Crispin's past, he realizes that Crispin is much more than he appears and could possibly be the only person alive that could bring down the tyranny that is ruling the land at that time.

Throughout the book Bear shares his philosophy of life and people:

"If you have to choose between alertness and worry, being alert will bring you more days of life."

"He who knows a bit of everything knows nothing. He who knows a little bit well, knows much of all."

"Living by answers is a form of death. It's only questions that keep you living."

These are only a few of the quotes by Bear in the story. Many of them left me thinking about myself and if I could agree with his words. Are there people that I might consider this wise? Could I be this insightful to my students? I wonder who inspired AVI to create a character like Bear.

Mr. Kohl

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