One of the dilemmas that came up with this year's lessons, what the question of what to do about the increasing negative coverage about how the United States handled 9/11. There are even authors on the web that claim the whole thing was a hoax, and that the United States attacked themselves in order to start a new war in the Middle East. I can't ignore the facts that the United States government made misguided judgments prior to, during, and after the attacks. I can understand how such resentment can develop. There is even evidence throughout history how conspiracy theorists raise very convincing doubt about other historic events that drastically changed the direction of our country for the next generation.
One thing I will never forget about 9/11 was the feeling of patriotism that followed. Like many American's I was afraid for our future, and I knew that life was going to change for all of us in different ways. At the time though, I was never more proud to be an American. Watching how people came together to heal the wounds of our country was very impressive. I'm sure that there was a similar feeling after Pearl Harbor.
I remember thinking about the timing of 9/11, and how I couldn't remember very much patriotism sentiment in America prior to that day, or like many people, I wasn't paying attention. Sure we still had flag day parades, and I still said the pledge in class every day, but didn't it seem like attendance at patriotic events was declining, and many classes were forgetting the words to the Pledge of Allegiance? I can't think of any greater positive that mayt have come out of 9/11 than the bond that grew between a country and it's citizens. For that reason alone I think 9/11 needs to be taught every year in our schools outside of the regular history curriculum. We may not understand the war the followed, or agree with the politics that seem to be squeezing our rights as citizens, but we shouldn't forget how being united as a country of such diversity and ideas is what makes living here great. No matter how you think about it, no matter how good or bad we have it, people are still dieting to get here.
9/11 was a bad on September,11,2001 because over 3,000 people died.
ReplyDeleteAnd don´t forget the fact the some firefighter died trying to save the people that died in the that event
DeleteAs you said, the now/future is changing, but it's not being effected by this one situation. This whole dramatic scene, 9/11, isn't history yet, but some of us will remember this day to celebrate all the victims that gave they're lives for us.
This could be the reason the goverment is low on money now from repair all the damage
ReplyDeleteBut if you think of it, 9/11 was 12 years ago! I would think they would have recovered about there money problem.
DeleteI agree with you Brandon, because I think that they have already built and recovered a new tower. So the reason the government would be low on money is because of something totally different.
DeleteAs you said, the now/future is changing, but it's not being effected by this one situation. This whole dramatic scene, 9/11, isn't history yet, but some of us will remember this day to celebrate all the victims that gave they're lives for us.
It also changed lots of security mostly at airports. Now you have to wait a long time in airport security because now there are looking for guns, knifes ect. and they never expected this to happen before 9/11 happened.
ReplyDeletei think 9/11 is history because there are people that don't know about it because they weren't born yet.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you because most kids were not born yet. But most adults were born on the date of 9/11 some adults even saw the second plane crash on tv.
DeleteI still cannot understand how Osama bin Landin even thought of something like this to just does not make sense. I wonder what motivated him to come up with this idea?
ReplyDeletebrandon dont u mean firefighters
ReplyDeleteyeah i agree with natalie becasue i wasnt born and i didnt know abbout tell i was like 6 or 7
ReplyDelete9/11 has changed peoples life's because there are people who lost family members because of 9/11
ReplyDeletethat might be y the goverment shut down because all the damage that happened and all the money the needed to fix what happened
ReplyDeletei was born 11 days after 9/11 and now i love to learn about it.
ReplyDeleteSure it has happened a while ago but it should still be remembered for how many people died and the fact that they improved airport security from looking for guns to looking for knives and guns and other weapons!!!!
ReplyDeletei asked that last year and no one told me
ReplyDelete9/11 should be history becase it happend 12 years ago half of the poeple in the united states don't even know about 9/11 and they know then ok it done its over and if they dont know then then don't need to know they can alway ask the parnet or if they heard or learned at school or from relatives, well all i have to say is that i think a little bit of both is could be remebered and it could be history i cant deside so why don't all u people out there reply to me and say remember or history