Monday, March 17, 2014

Divergent: the book, not the movie!

Divergent by Veronica Roth is another one of those book series that is taking young readers by storm. Like the Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins and the Maze Runner by James Dashner, Veronica Roth taps into our current fascination with a post apocalyptic scenarios that seems to leave the fate of the surviving world in the hands of a few courageous teens who seem to have the intelligence, strength and background knowledge to outsmart the evil adult attempts to take over what is left of society.

Beatrice recently turned 16 and has a very important decision to make. Which faction of society should she choose to live? The five factions have been established to divide the population into similar character traits to avoid the global conquest that destroyed their way of life years ago. The Factions have established aptitude tests to help the teens narrow down their choices before the Choosing Ceremony. The aptitude test takes the candidates through a series of moral choices to eliminate factions, and promote strengths in one specific faction.  Unfortunately, Beatrice's results are inconclusive. She is labeled Divergent by her test and warned never to share the results with anyone if she want to avoid a terrible fate.
Created by Are Bergonia for DevientART

Of course this warning haunts Beatrice throughout the story as she chooses to leave her family, and join the most reckless faction, Dauntless,  known for their bravery and risk taking. Now called Tris, or Stiff, by her enemies, Beatrice discovers that being Divergent in the faction, given the responsibility for guarding the society from an unknown enemy, has it's advantages, and draws the attention of many different faction leaders.  As the plot thickens to a climatic battle ending, it sets you up nicely for the next book in the series, Insurgent.

I have to warn you that the movie for Divergent comes out March 21.  Watch the movie trailer to get an idea of the type of story you might be getting into.  It's is pretty intense.  Now if you are like me, I recommend reading the book soon, or put off seeing the movie until later so you can finish book one.

My question is, why are these books so appealing?  The plots don't seem to change much from book to book. Are they just becoming a money making machine for mediocre authors taking advantage of a popular trend?  Do these books deserve the accolades they are receiving world wide?


  1. I have read the book series and I think the reason that this book is so popular is because of the title, I believe that is why so many kids read these books is because of the title. Think about it don't names like "The Hunger Games" and " Maze Runner" make you wast to read the book, so why is "Divergent" no different.

  2. I think there is more to it than the title. I wonder if Hollywood is pushing these books as well. They seem be working hard to put more books in the movies. Is it all about money, and not the reader or viewer?

  3. I believe if you look at how good "The Hunger Games" did with the books and movies that Hollywood just wants another big movie production to completely rip off the book. I do seem interested in the movie but, the books are always better!

  4. I know when i here about a new hit series i always want to try to read the book before the movie come out but what always draws me in is like Anna said the title the name "Divergent" sounds so cool and interesting. and if the title or the story doesn't sound good what the point to read the book or watch the movie and all the new hit movies and books are about some kind of war or government issues.

  5. I think this is what motivates kids to read is when there is a series and they seen most of it in the theater, they want to know what come next. The Hunger Games for example. The first to movies have came out now. But some movies leave you on a cliffhanger. So some people just cant wait to read the last part in the series.

    1. How many survival, apocalyptic movies can we watch. I hear the Maze Runner is coming out this summer. I strongly recommend the book. It is better than Hunger Games and Divergent.

  6. I've not been a teen for many years, and I'm finding it hard to put down too!
    Why are they popular? Hmmm...
    A few thoughts:
    Wordbuilding is always important for me. The books are based on an interesting premise. I always find books with distinctive groups of people with distinctive dress styles interesting (!). Seeing inside Triss's head. I'm drawn to Abnegation's philosophy, but they take it way too far. Wanting to know what's going on that we don't uunderstand yet.


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