A Pep Talk From Kid President to You is a video promoted by the website, SoulPancake. The video showcases nine year old Robby Novak acting as Kid President encouraging people to get moving, change something, and make a difference. It has over 6 million views and is still growing. 6 million people?! That's a lot of pep talk.
Read the article By Laura T. Coffey, of TODAY if you want to get more details about Robby Novak and how he got involved in inspirational web videos.
Visit the websites SoulPancake and Kid Presidentt. Pay attention to the details of these two sites. What makes them unique? What is their motivation?
Watch the Pep Talk video. What do you think? What is the message? How did it make you feel? Begin your discussion today.
I think this kid has the right idea of giving a pep talk to every body to let them know were all on the same team.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you because this kid is basically saying we should all be a team.
DeleteI think what he is trying to say is work together and don't fight. Be a team player not just a team member.
DeleteI thought this video was inspiring, because it shows you that kids now a days that young are making differences too. It shows that you don't have to be an adult to make a difference. Plus, this video is made for adults and kids, because its in kid friendly language that kids can understand and adults can watch it too.
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed the video and thought it was a good way to motivate people to make a change.
ReplyDeleteI think the message from that video is that everyone can sit around and do nothing. But what we should all be doing is finding something that we look and try to make your mark with it. I also think it is amazing and extra inspirational for a kid to be sending this message to an audience that is most likely supposed to be adults.
ReplyDeleteIn the middle where it says that we look, it is supposed to say that you like
DeleteDion I think we all need to stop being lazy snails it's time we get up and support each other because we all on the same team
DeleteI agree with him, He must have a lot of courage to have a pep talk to let everyone know what's going on. I think some of us are all on the same team, but everybody doesn't want to be a team. Robby is right about believing in your self so you can reach your goal. Now that I have heard about this i'm going to start trying to reach my goal even more. Will you reach your goal if you believe in yourself?
ReplyDeleteMost likely you will reach your goal, but it has to be possible.
DeleteI agree with Wyatt,he said that life is a game,and if it was a game wouldn't we be on the same team? I like how he said that we should fallow are dreams. I think he had a lot of courage to to have a pep talk with a lot of people. He seems really confident in him self by what he talks about,he seems like somebody someone else would inspire to be.
ReplyDeleteI thought the message in this video was very good,everyone should get along because we are all on the same team, and life is not a game. It's very inspirational to me, and a lot of other kids. It's in a kid way, so a lot of kids understand what it is trying to say. It made me think about how all of us are people, so we should work together, and better.
ReplyDeleteI meant, life IS like a game, but that means we have to stay a team, and learn how to be a good team.
DeleteKid president said we should all get up and do something to make the world awesome. I think that his pep talks and videos are what he is doing to make the world awesome himself. Just by encouraging us to get up and do something good with our time instead of complaining and being boring is him making something awesome happen in the world. He is a great inspiration and I think that this video could change the world if people take his advice.
ReplyDeleteI agree if people took his advice it would change the world.
DeleteHe is a great inspiration and i think WE should make the world AWESOME.
I think if we all put our minds to it we can make any thing posiple but we all need to be on the same team.
ReplyDeleteI think the message in this video was inspiring to me because we need to stop being lazy and help each other because we are one team.
ReplyDeletekid president has a point nothing is going to change if we just sit and think about it we have to get up and put words into actions
ReplyDeleteThis video means something the kid is right you cant do anything when you are doing nothing but siting there.
ReplyDeleteI think we should all get up and do something awesome and make the world and yourself better. Like the kid president said, get up and do what your going to do don't sit around and wait, make your mark. We should also all be a team and treat everyone equally.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Greydon And Jeremiah that nothing is going to change if we just sit there. Nothing is going to change if we don't do anything. Life is game and you people have to use it.
ReplyDeleteThe reason I find this video interesting is because he is so much younger than all of us but yet he seems to know whats right and whats going on in the world. I think that he is trying to inspire us to speak up just like him instead of just sitting around waiting for all the bad news to stop and blow over. What he is trying to say is speak up make this a better world and I think evryone should take his advice.
ReplyDeleteI think his video was a cute way to give everybody a boost in there life and remind everybody to get up and do something.This kid has a good way of showing it and he is like 7 and there are older kids and even adults that are sitting down watching a 7 year old give a motovational pep talk. To think a 7 year old changed many lives, and he said it in a very kid friendly way meaning everyone can understand it. That's amazing!!! :)
ReplyDeleteI think this video was very good. I think it was meant for both kids and adults because it is "kid friendly" and it also send a message to adults.
ReplyDeletei agree w/ amara. i hope the whole world gets a chance to see this.because the kid is right. if life is a game, than we would all be on the same team. all the arguing with the countries is just keeping us from dealing with world problems. we shouldnt be fighting we should be helping eachother. in my opinion its a little pathetic that we cant get along. while theres world problems like shortages and extinctions, all were doing is sitting on our butts and fighting w/ eachother.